Sunday, December 18, 2005

Thomas Brin Video Podcasts Growing in Popularity

To see Thomas Brin in action, visit the official movie site at: The Adventures of Thomas Brin

Since launching The Adventures of Thomas Brin video podcast series almost 8 weeks ago, we have seen our page view statistics increase steadily each week.

Here are some brief page-view statistics:

November 2005: almost 19,000 page views

December 2005: we project 34,000 page views

(Note: The December statistics are based on the fact that as of today, we've already had about 21,000 page views)

If you would like to help Thomas Brin continue his adventure, there are several actions you can take right now.

First, read the post below and vote for Thomas Brin. Placing your vote and leaving a review will help The Adventures of Thomas Brin video podcast series move up in rank.

Second, if you have a weblog, website, your own podcast or vodcast then help spread the word about Thomas Brin by placing this cool Thomas Brin logo into your blog or website. You don't have to worry about copying this logo since this code will actually request the logo to be downloaded from our server whenever one of your viewers visits the page that you want the Thomas Brin logo to appear on.

Watch The Adventures of Thomas Brin video podcast

Place the following code into your website or blog and this wonderful logo will show up.

And as always, if you want to contact us, please do so at

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