Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Thomas Brin: Where's Episode 3?

To see Thomas Brin in action, visit the official movie site at: The Adventures of Thomas Brin


It's way past July 2006 and Episode 3 of The Adventures of Thomas Brin: Gardens of Tomorrow is missing in action. People are concerned, people are patiently waiting, people are plain angry that it's not yet up for global viewing. Well, we don't blame any of you for harboring such feelings and thought it was way past time to post an update on the Brin Blog.

As most of you know--at least those who have taken any time to visit the official Thomas Brin website--we create each episode of Thomas Brin on a zero budget. Okay, the budget is not zero. I foot the bill for everything.

What I should have said is that we lovingly create Thomas Brin at our expense. We do not make any money on this effort and therefore it takes a back seat to all of life's more important pursuits like making a living, hanging out with family and friends, and drinking Chai tea. Actually, thanks to the good old Tazo Chai Tea goddess, TB Episode 3 is close to done!

I've been working like a hungry dog, mustering my strength and concentration to put Episode 3 in the can--that's film talk for finish the project, not flush it down the toilet. I plan to have The Adventures of Thomas Brin: Gardens of Tomorrow Episode 3 up on the website and iTunes by New Year's Eve! Look for it by late afternoon EST.

Oh, if you've emailed me and have not heard back from me, please accept my apologies. Our primary email provider (.mac) has blocked all forwarded email from our dedicated server. We recently discovered that we have been missing all sorts of email for about 6-8 weeks (maybe even longer). So, if you want to say hi or ask a question, please leave a comment on this blog.

So, that's the update. TB E3 is on it's way! This time for real!!!

To rewet your appetite for Thomas Brin, I'll leave you with two pictures from E3:

Thomas Brin Episode 3 photo #1

Thomas Brin Episode 3 photo #2

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