Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Thomas Brin Unveils New Website

To see Thomas Brin in action, visit the official movie site at: Adventures of Thomas Brin

One of the goals when creating a website is to organize the site's features in such a way that first time viewers can quickly grasp what it's all about. Well, the original Adventures of Thomas Brin website did a poor job at that. So, we redesigned the TB website to be simpler and more to the point--a la Web 2.0 style.

Viewers can now quickly and clearly see all the features of the Thomas Brin website. They can access each of the episodes right from the homepage instead of having to navigate three pages in as in the past. They have quick access to the Thomas Brin community tools, including the wonderful Thomas Brin Store!

Finally, the menu system has been redesigned and better organized. In fact, the menu you see on the TB blog is the same menu you find on the TB website. If you have not yet toured the new TB website, please do today.

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