Friday, December 09, 2005

Thomas Brin Video Podcasts Viewed on Five Continents in 7 Weeks!

To see Thomas Brin in action, visit the official movie site at: The Adventures of Thomas Brin

We all know what makes the blogosphere/vlogosphere so great. Well, I thought I did.

Honestly, until recently, I truly did not know the power of the blog and the potential of podcasting. Yes, from an academic standpoint I knew it was something we had to do. I knew the potential it offered. I knew that it was a force that traditional media hand not yet fathomed and would sooner than later be caught off guard as the podtrain blew by them at an exponential growth rate.

But until our production company retooled our website and listed our new video podcast series with many of the major (and minor) podcasting directories, I did not have a personal feel on the pulse of the blogosphere.

All that has now changed. I am no longer a talking head spouting off facts and figures about an industry in which I have no personal participation. I am now a fully-fledged member of the currently elite but quickly growing club of people who produce video podcast series. I understand from first-hand experience the power of this viral media form.

In the first seven weeks since we made The Adventures of Thomas Brin science fiction vodcast (video podcast) series available to the world, our episodes have been enjoyed on 5 continents and by thousands of people. This is amazing!

It would be impossible to get that type of reach and exposure using traditional short-film distribution methods. When it comes to production and distribution costs, the cost/benefit of video podcasting is extremely favorable.

Unlike traditional broadcasting, audio and video podcasting can transcend the short comings of traditional media and attract a global audience in a very short time if produced and marketed properly. Whether an audio or video podcast keeps a global audience depends on content, production values, and marketing prowess.

This new media paradigm of podcasting is something that can open up the borders with very little effort.

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