Sunday, December 18, 2005

Thomas Brin Video Podcasts Growing in Popularity

To see Thomas Brin in action, visit the official movie site at: The Adventures of Thomas Brin

Since launching The Adventures of Thomas Brin video podcast series almost 8 weeks ago, we have seen our page view statistics increase steadily each week.

Here are some brief page-view statistics:

November 2005: almost 19,000 page views

December 2005: we project 34,000 page views

(Note: The December statistics are based on the fact that as of today, we've already had about 21,000 page views)

If you would like to help Thomas Brin continue his adventure, there are several actions you can take right now.

First, read the post below and vote for Thomas Brin. Placing your vote and leaving a review will help The Adventures of Thomas Brin video podcast series move up in rank.

Second, if you have a weblog, website, your own podcast or vodcast then help spread the word about Thomas Brin by placing this cool Thomas Brin logo into your blog or website. You don't have to worry about copying this logo since this code will actually request the logo to be downloaded from our server whenever one of your viewers visits the page that you want the Thomas Brin logo to appear on.

Watch The Adventures of Thomas Brin video podcast

Place the following code into your website or blog and this wonderful logo will show up.

And as always, if you want to contact us, please do so at

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Video Podcast Directories List Thomas Brin

To see Thomas Brin in action, visit the official movie site at: The Adventures of Thomas Brin

The award-winning, science fiction video podcast series The Adventures of Thomas Brin is listed in many of the top podcasting directories. Most of the directories allow users to cast votes on podcasts. To help Thomas Brin continue his adventure, we ask that you show your support for The Adventures of Thomas Brin by casting a favorable vote!

You can get to the voting pages in two ways:
1. Click the big "Vote for Thomas Brin!" button on the right-hand side of the screen
2. Click each individual link listing below

I have set up each link to open a new browser window so you can close out of it when you're finished voting and click the next link in this post. Some of the links take you directly to the review page for Thomas Brin. Others require you to search a little on the page and find the review link. Some of the directories will require you to join by providing an email address and creating a password. It is free, so go ahead and do it for Thomas Brin. Please visit each one of the links and give the highest rating. You can do so over the course of several weeks if you wish. But do visit and provide high praise.

Video Podcast Directories Listing Thomas Brin

Podcasting News: Vote for Thomas Brin video podcast on Podcasting News (you will need to scroll down the list a little and find our listing)

Vodstock: Vote for Thomas Brin video podcast on Vodstock

IdiotVox: Vote for Thomas Brin video podcast on IdiotVox

MeFeedia: Vote for Thomas Brin video podcast on MeFeedia

Podcast Pickle: Vote for Thomas Brin video podcast on Podcast Pickle

Podcast Alley: Vote for Thomas Brin video podcast on Podcast Alley

VlogList: Vote for Thomas Brin video podcast on VlogList

Friday, December 09, 2005

Thomas Brin Video Podcasts Viewed on Five Continents in 7 Weeks!

To see Thomas Brin in action, visit the official movie site at: The Adventures of Thomas Brin

We all know what makes the blogosphere/vlogosphere so great. Well, I thought I did.

Honestly, until recently, I truly did not know the power of the blog and the potential of podcasting. Yes, from an academic standpoint I knew it was something we had to do. I knew the potential it offered. I knew that it was a force that traditional media hand not yet fathomed and would sooner than later be caught off guard as the podtrain blew by them at an exponential growth rate.

But until our production company retooled our website and listed our new video podcast series with many of the major (and minor) podcasting directories, I did not have a personal feel on the pulse of the blogosphere.

All that has now changed. I am no longer a talking head spouting off facts and figures about an industry in which I have no personal participation. I am now a fully-fledged member of the currently elite but quickly growing club of people who produce video podcast series. I understand from first-hand experience the power of this viral media form.

In the first seven weeks since we made The Adventures of Thomas Brin science fiction vodcast (video podcast) series available to the world, our episodes have been enjoyed on 5 continents and by thousands of people. This is amazing!

It would be impossible to get that type of reach and exposure using traditional short-film distribution methods. When it comes to production and distribution costs, the cost/benefit of video podcasting is extremely favorable.

Unlike traditional broadcasting, audio and video podcasting can transcend the short comings of traditional media and attract a global audience in a very short time if produced and marketed properly. Whether an audio or video podcast keeps a global audience depends on content, production values, and marketing prowess.

This new media paradigm of podcasting is something that can open up the borders with very little effort.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Buy your Holiday Gifts at the Thomas Brin Store!

To see Thomas Brin in action, visit the official movie site at: The Adventures of Thomas Brin

Buy Thomas Brin gifts this holiday!
Buy your Holiday Gifts at the Thomas Brin Store!

Looking for that perfect scifi gift for your science fiction fanatic? Then go shopping at the Thomas Brin Store where you will find wonderful Thomas Brin t-shirts (mens and womens), mugs, bumper stickers, posters, and a great 2006 Thomas Brin Calendar. All profits help support the production of The Adventures of Thomas Brin.

Thank you for you support.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Thomas Brin Launches New Website

To see Thomas Brin in action, visit the official movie site at: The Adventures of Thomas Brin


Over the past several weeks, we've been hard at work redesigning and recoding (from the ground up) a new Thomas Brin website. We hope that you'll agree the new website is easy to use, better organized, and full of features that make your visit worthwhile.

Please note that we have added an exciting feature--the Thomas Brin store! You can visit the store by clicking on the "Store" tab that appears in the main menu at the top of each page. Please show your support for Thomas Brin by purchasing a tee-shirt, bumper sticker, or the new Thomas Brin 2006 calendar. All proceeds go toward supporting production costs of the series.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Thomas Brin Now Available as Video Podcasts.

To see Thomas Brin in action, visit the official movie site at: The Adventures of Thomas Brin


With Apple Computer's introduction of their new 5th generation iPod that displays high-quality video, we decided in true Thomas-Brin style that The Adventures of Thomas Brin needed to be available as video podcasts.

We have created a new video encoding that allows fans to "Bring Brin on the Road." Visit the Thomas Brin website and click on the iTunes subscription logo and you'll be taken to the iTunes Music Store where you can subscribe to and then download the current episodes to your iTunes library. Of course, you will need to have iTunes installed on your computer to do this.

Once you have subscribed, iTunes will check for new episodes of Thomas Brin automatically.

Also, since iTunes does not let us know when we have a new subscriber, please email us at and let us know.

Thomas Brin Now has an Official Blog!

To see Thomas Brin in action, visit the official movie site at: The Adventures of Thomas Brin


Are you a fan of the award-winning science fiction movie short series The Adventures of Thomas Brin? Well, now you have a place to post your comments, make suggestions, and ask questions about the movie series.